Seasonal Inspiration

Meaningful Thanksgiving Activities

That won’t scare away your guests!

Oh, Thanksgiving—quickly becoming the speed bump holiday before Christmas.  But we still need you!

How fitting that we focus on gratitude as the year draws to a close (and looming Christmas lists threaten even the most-balanced person’s sanity).

Gratitude requires some intention to draw it out; it requires purpose, planning, and preparation.  However, it’s tricky to present people with something meaningful, without it feeling forced. So, I’ve gathered four activities that are simple to prepare and easy to engage in.  Check out my YouTube video for details.

Meaningful Thanksgiving Activities (That won’t scare off your guests!)

Caution:  Consider one, or, at the most, two possibilities.  Your guests shouldn’t feel held hostage by your plan.  Evoking gratitude in others is about presenting the opportunity and then leading the way, which means some flexibility and “holding loosely” is important.  I speak from hard-won experience!

And while we’re talking about thanks—Thank You for reading and watching!



Autumn, Seasonal Inspiration

Day of Thanks

–Isn’t it ironic that this little holiday, when we acknowledge what’s already great about our life, falls just before weeks of wanting, buying and getting?  Perhaps, if harnessed, Thanksgiving can be a meaningful pause–a moment to relish our many blessings before the December holiday craze descends.                               

Since most of us are overwhelmed just anticipating all that comes with December, why not keep decorations simple and focus on that which summons gratitude?

We like to pass around a bowl of letters and say something(s) we’re thankful for that begins with the letter we draw out of the bowl.  This simple activity is appropriate for almost any age, can be deep or light-hearted, and requires nominal prep.  You can also use scrabble tiles, magnet letters, flashcards, etc.


To keep young guests occupied before the meal, ask them to be traveling artists!  They can trace their hand or one of the adults and turn it into a turkey.  We also supplied some fun stickers because what turkey doesn’t want a mustache?

In honor of the humorously-named presidential turkeys (Tater & Tot, Gobbler & Cobbler, etc.) we asked guests to label their glasses with their “turkey name.”

Let a light and thankful heart rule the day, and may you be overwhelmed with blessings this Thanksgiving!