Home Life

Make Home a Refuge: Create an OK Place

Life is hard sometimes, isn’t it?

What a beautiful thing it is to have a place that envelops you and provides a refuge from the big bad world out there.  To make this value a reality, create an “OK Place.”

What’s an OK Place?

It’s a little niche of real estate that communicates to your heart and mind that, “Indeed. Everything is going to be OK.

It’s hard to access that truth while flying around, putting out fires.  Often, we need a safe place to just sit and absorb our present circumstances before we can engage with it.  Take a breath, let your soul catch up with reality, and then head back into the fray knowing, “OK.  I can do this.

A favorite chair, a pile of cushions, or a corner of the couch– everyone needs an “OK Place.”

What are the essentials of an OK Place?

  1.  A Landing Spot

You need a landing spot for your beverage of choice (facing the world requires hydration!) and a place for your inspiration of the moment– a book, a magazine, favorite photos, an I-pad, etc.  Pull up a side table, use the end of a shelf, a sturdy stack of books or vintage luggage, a small chair, even a tree stump (bottom left picture)– almost anything can be pressed into service.  Your landing spot supports you by providing a home for whatever tools that moment requires.

2.  A Cozy Blanket

Akin to swaddling newborns, a cozy blanket communicates comfort, safety, and shelter in a small, but powerful, way.  The more senses you can minister to (in this case touch), the greater impact your OK Place can have on your well being.

So, go identify your OK Place.  If you don’t already have a place you gravitate to, create one.  If you do have one, equip it with the essentials.

Make your home a refuge by equipping it to serve you well!